WPF Controls 2014.1 build 602 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A new WPF controls maintenance release is now available.

Detailed Update List

Bar Code

  • Fixed a bug in the encoding of numbers in QR codes.


  • Updated XYDoubleAxis, XYDecimalAxis, and XYDateTimeAxis to auto-calculate tick mark intervals when they aren't specifically set.
  • Due to the above change, ticks/labels may now show up in scenarios that they didn't before. You can change the axis AreLabelsVisible, AreMajorTicksVisible, and AreMinorTicksVisible properties to false as needed to hide them.
  • Added a new Axis Ticks QuickStart that shows off automatic tick mark interval calculation.
  • Improved the rendering speed of data point labels.
  • Improved the rendering logic of bar charts.
  • Updated data point labels to use a subtle border so that they don't blend in with surrounding chart objects of the same color.
  • Updated data point labels in pointer visibility mode to delay layouts until a pointer event occurs, thereby speeding up initial chart display.
  • Updated XYChart to automatically upconvert non-Double numeric type data to Double type so it can display.
  • Fixed a bug where setting a chart Background would overlay chart data.
  • Fixed a bug where resizing a chart might not properly repaint grid lines.


  • Updated ThemedDataGrid to style auto-generated ComboBox and CheckBox columns.


  • Added the DockSite.IsRaftingWindowSnapToScreenEnabled, which can be set to false to prevent rafting windows from snapping to the closest screen when being displayed.
  • Added overloads to the TabbedMdiHost.TileHorizontally and TileVertically methods that allow for a maximum number of columns/rows. This permits additional tile configurations.
  • Updated how layout information is restored for closed docking windows.
  • Updated how dock guides are positioned, allowing for advanced style customization.
  • Improved the logic for determining upon which side a tool window is auto-hidden when using tool window inner-fill.
  • Updated auto-hide flyouts to not cover the taskbar when DockSite.UseHostedAutoHidePopups is false.
  • Fixed a bug where a maximized rafted window on a second monitor can cause an exception when the main window minimizes and then shows again.
  • Fixed a bug where TabbedMdiHost.PrimaryWindow could be incorrectly updated when in a nested DockSites scenario.


  • Fixed a bug where a circular gauge with gear shape could throw an exception if sized extremely small.

Micro Charts

  • Updated hot tracking to prevent a possible exception when an unknown data point type is used.


  • Updated ZoomContentControl to update the cursor when keyboard focus changes.


  • Updated double-clicks to cycle through standard values if available.
  • Added a PropertyGrid.CommitPendingChanges method that forces any pending LostFocus bindings within property editors to update and ensure the data model is current.
  • Fixed a bug where the PropertyGrid.SelectedObjectsChanged event might not fire if the singular PropertyGrid.SelectedObject property was set.


  • Updated Groups to support key tip access when within the QAT.
  • Updated editable ComboBoxes to not commit their value when losing focus, if the ComboBox is read-only.
  • Updated PopupButton and SplitButton to blur focus back to the main focus scope if clicked while their popup is displayed.
  • Removed key tip text underline from Backstage buttons in the tab area.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing 'F' while a popup was open could sometimes trigger the Backstage to show.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Esc from Backstage while key tip mode was active wouldn't reactivate key tips on the Ribbon.
  • Fixed a bug where the RibbonWindow application icon wasn't properly being hit tested when glass was active.


  • Enhanced Shift+Tab such that when the selection is collapsed and there is no whitespace before the caret, whitespace after the caret will be outdented.
  • Added the ITextSnapshotLine.GetIndentAmountBefore method.
  • Updated the block indent mode logic.
  • Added the DelimiterIndentProvider.CloseDelimiterIndentLevel property, which allows for smart-indenting close delimiters an additional level.
  • Updated the undo of a replace all operation to properly restore the previous selection.
  • OutliningManager updated to prevent scenario where async parse data updates might occur before their related text change updates in small documents.
  • Updated several outlining edit actions to ensure the caret remains visible when completed.
  • Updated the toggle outlining expansion action to work when the caret is immediately after an outlining node.
  • Made several adjustments to code outlining logic.
  • Added the TextSnapshotOffset.Column property.
  • Updated the NavigableSymbolSelector control to use virtualization in its ComboBoxes.
  • Updated the default navigable symbol sorting logic to ignore case.
  • Added the INavigableSymbol.HierarchyLevel property, and updated NavigableSymbolSelector to support item indenting based on that.
  • BREAK: INavigableSymbolProvider.GetSymbols method updated to return a new INavigableSymbolSet type. For migration, use the new NavigableSymbolSet class to wrap prior symbol results.
  • BREAK: INavigableSymbolProvider.GetSymbols method updated to accept a contextual TextSnapshotOffset parameter instead of an ITextSnapshot. For migration, access the snapshot via the TextSnapshotOffset.Snapshot property.
  • BREAK: NavigableSymbolSelector updated to no longer auto-sort symbols. For migration, sort symbols in INavigableSymbolProvider.GetSymbols using the new NavigableSymbolContentProviderComparer class prior to returning the symbol set.
  • Updated wide completion list description tips to not overlay the completion list.
  • Fixed a bug where closed taggers might not properly remove an event handler from their attached document.
LL(*) Parser Framework
  • Added a Grammar.AddChildFrom overload that allows for specification of a desired child index.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Updated the VB completion provider to not show a separate item for escaped System namespace type names that collide with VB keywords.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in a previous build where PruneCache calls were removing cache files that should have been retained.
Web Languages Add-on
  • Reimplemented the XML grammar using type-specific AST nodes, reducing overall AST memory usage by an average of 40%.
  • Added an XmlNavigableSymbolProvider service, which provides contextual element and attribute display in a NavigableSymbolSelector control.
  • Updated the XML and HTML editor demos to showcase the new navigable symbol provider features.


  • Updated all edit control paddings.
  • Made several adjustments to themes.


  • Added the HorizontalListBox control, which allows for selection of items that are arranged horizontally with a uniform width.
  • Added a sample for the HorizontalListBox control.
  • Added the ThicknessConverter.Multiplier property.
  • Improved the RadialSlider class logic for snapping values.
  • Fixed a bug where an unhandled click on PopupButton's popup would close the popup.

Actipro Software Support