Spider Writer and Source Safe (vss) - sluggish?

Spider Writer Suggestions and Support Forum

The latest build of this product (v5.2.0) was released 23 years ago, which was before this thread was created.
Posted 18 years ago by Chris K - efficient FORMS
There are several of us in our office that all use Spider Writer for all of our ASP development. In the past, the other guys have complained a bit about how slow Spider Writer was when working with Visual Source Safe, but I never had any issues and figured they were just a bunch of whiners...

Last week I had a hard drive failure and had to reload XP and all my apps on to a new drive. Something changed. I've joined the ranks of the whiners. I can now confirm: Spider Writer is VERY slow when working with files from source safe. Just checking out (or in) a file can take several minutes. These are tiny .asp files. Before my reload these operations would take just a few seconds. Doing the checkout or in from the VSS 'native' client is fine - just when doing it from within SW do things get very sluggish.

Has anyone heard of this before? Any suggestions to offer? We're game to try just about anything!

Comments (1)

Posted 18 years ago by Chris K - efficient FORMS
Follow up to myself:

This seems to be related to antivirus realtime protection. As part of my laptop rebuild, I changed from AVG to Symantec -- which is what the other guys used (site license). Not sure why it impacts Spider Writer more than the "native" VSS client, but would guess that relates to the APIs.

Regardless, disabling real time scanning on my code directories seems to have sped things up. :-)

[Modified at 12/17/2005 08:58 AM]