SyntaxEditor (for WinForms) 4.0.0247 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 18 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
A new SyntaxEditor (for WinForms) maintenance release is now available. Updates include:

SyntaxEditor Control
  • Added the SourceProjectContent.GetCompilationUnits method that returns the ICompilationUnits that are currently loaded for reflection.
  • Added the SourceProjectContent.GetSourceKeys method that returns the source keys of the compilation units that are currently loaded for reflection.
  • Added a dynamic language definition for PowerShell.
  • Added code to auto-hide a visible smart tag popup button if the mouse has not been over it for the number milliseconds specified by the new IntelliPromptSmartTag.AutoHideTimeout property.
  • Added the OnSyntaxEditorIntelliPromptMemberListClosing and OnSyntaxEditorIntelliPromptMemberListClosed methods to the SyntaxLanguage class.
  • Added the IntelliPromptMemberList.IsSelectionVirtual property.
  • Changed regions in the dynamic C# language so that the text that appears after #endregion is hidden when collapsed.
  • Updated the parser generator so that digit and underscore characters are allowed in terminal and non-terminal keys.
  • Tweaked the scrollbar auto-hide code.
  • Added documentation to all elements and attributes in the dynamic language XSD file.
  • Fixed a bug with the Insert Snippet dialog where it could throw an exception in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug with inserting snippets that surround a selection where a field after the selection could be offset incorrectly if the selection had multiple lines.
  • Fixed a bug with indent/outdent commands where when playing back a recorded macro, they would always indent/outdent the line instead of possibly inserting/deleting a tab character.
  • Fixed a bug where a disappearing span indicator could throw and exception after a deletion in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where indicators that can expand on boundaries did not expand at their start in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where auto-correction made after the Enter key is pressed and using a variable-width font wouldn't always update the layout of the characters property.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Changed the VB language so that the DateTime type displays as Date in IntelliPrompt tips.
  • Altered the DotNetProjectResolver.AddAllAssembliesInAppDomainAsExternalReferences method so that if an exception occurs while loading one of the assemblies, it will continue loading the remaining assemblies and then re-throw the exception.
  • Fixed a bug in the VB language where typing "Date." could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where static members of a type weren't automatically being matched when performing IntelliPrompt in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where reflection documentation for nested types wasn't being retrieved properly.
  • BREAK: Due to misspelling, renamed OperatorType.StringConcatination to StringConcatenation, VBTokenID.StringConcatination to StringConcatenation, and VBTokenID.StringConcatinationAssignment to StringConcatenationAssignment.
Web Languages Add-on
  • Enhanced the advanced XML language so that some IntelliPrompt features are available based on a loaded XSD. Note that this language and its features are still early beta.
  • Added the XML Reflection QuickStart that can be used to demo and test the advanced XML language.

Actipro Software Support