Looking for freelancer to help with custom language

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 9 years ago by Frank Wisniewski
Version: 14.2.0611

Looking for anyone with extensive experience to help me extend my custom language. I am using the WPF Syntax editor in my product to provide intellisense and syntax coloring for editing T4 templates. I have implemented the basic functionality but would like to extend it more with features like brace matching, parameter value prompting, and support for regions. The difficult part about this is T4 templates have a basic very simple syntax but support child languages of C# and VB.Net causing parent/child context changes where you have to map between the languages. If you have the expertise, feel up to the challenge and have the free time to work on it, please contact me and we can discuss more about the project and your rate. 


email -> m e @ f r a n k w i s n i e w s k i . n e t (remove all the spaces)

product -> www.t4awesome.com

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after this thread was created.

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