WPF Controls v23.1.1 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 1 year ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A new WPF Controls maintenance release is now available.

Detailed Update List

Bars (Beta)

  • Added EnumBarGalleryItemViewModel.RefreshFromAttributes method to update view model properties from DisplayAttribute data after a locale change.
  • Improved internal BarMenuGallery-related layout logic.
  • Fixed an issue where changes to a Ribbon's DataContext could cause a gallery to display items with an incorrect appearance.
  • Fixed an issue where BarComboBox text was not updated if the corresponding property on the selected view model was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where BarMenuGallery may not remeasure width properly when its gallery item content was changed after it was already opened.
  • Fixed an issue where a ribbon application menu with a very wide footer and no additional content displayed might render incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a disabled BarComboBox still allowed its drop-down button to be clicked.
  • Fixed an issue where RibbonControlGroup might not always properly display external headers for controls like BarComboBox when appropriate.


  • Improved MonthCalendar keyboard navigation.
  • Improved MonthCalendar UI automation peer configuration.
  • Improved ColorPicker UI automation peer configuration.
  • Updated the AutoCompleteBox suggestion list to announce the current selection in screen reader apps when keyboard navigation keys are used.


  • Added a TreeListView Sorting QuickStart sample that shows how to sort items in the control when a column header is tapped.
  • Added the TreeListViewColumn.Tag property.


  • Fixed an issue where several ShellListView layout modes didn't always bring items into view properly.


  • Updated the IntelliPrompt completion list to announce the current selection in screen reader apps.
  • Fixed an issue with view line offset to character index calculation logic.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Fixed C# grammar not recognizing a throw expression used within the lambda body of a switch expression.


  • Updated multi-line TextBoxBase control templates to Stretch-align the hint presenter.
  • Updated change detection registration for system settings to prevent potential cross-thread exception.


  • Improved AnimatedPanelBase.ResetAnimationState logic.
  • Fixed ToggleSwitch not taking focus when clicking on the parts of the control which support dragging.

Actipro Software Support