Posted 2 months ago
by Actipro Software Support
- Cleveland, OH, USA

A new WPF Controls maintenance release is now available.
Detailed Update List
- Added the StandaloneToolBar.OverflowButtonKeyTipText property.
- Improved keyboard navigation within an editable BarComboBox popup.
- Improved how KeyTipService tracks root key tip scopes.
- Improved how screen tips derive content.
- Improved StandaloneToolBar overflow layout logic.
- Improved BarPopupButtonBase logic for exiting menu mode.
- Updated BasePopupButtonBase-based controls to have a Button UIA peer control type.
- Fixed an issue where BarComboBox could clear its Text on unmatched commit.
- Fixed an issue where a button control defined purely in XAML and overflowed to a menu in simplified layout with the Command property assigned to a Binding would clear the Binding on click before the associated command was invoked.
- Fixed an issue where a ribbon tab added while the ribbon wasn't visible might not later initially be visible.
- Added the DockSite.FloatingToolWindowContainerTitleBarDoubleClickMode property that can be set to Dock to allow double-clicks on floating tool window containers to restore them to the primary dock host.
- Updated auto-hide popups to ensure that a solid background color is used, even if the containing dock host has a transparent background.
- Updated AdvancedTabControl to prevent base TabControl logic from processing unhandled Home/End key presses when focus is within a tab's content area.
- Updated DockSite to support the use of virtual factory methods for creating new instances of common controls.
- Updated DockSite to not clip to bounds, which is necessary when using hosted floating windows and the DockSite.HostedFloatingWindowContainer property is set.
- Fixed an issue where the layout deserialization process in tool window-only mode could throw an exception if the XML file contained document window data.
- Updated BrushEditBox and ColorEditBox to have their swatches fill the available width when text is hidden.
- Updated EnumEditBox to properly handle flags enumerations that are based on UInt32 or Int16 types.
- Improved TreeListBox remove node logic and updated the Drag/Drop QuickStart's item adapter logic to reselect all moved items.
- Improved TreeListBox post-filter logic to restore the pre-filter selection if no selection changes were made while filtering.
- Updated the Language Designer app to open a .langproj file when its full path is supplied via a command line argument.
- Updated the Language Designer app to have splitters in the LL Parser Debugger pane.
- Updated the IntelliPrompt completion list to announce the item count via UI accessibility readers.
- Improved vertical scrollbar maximum calculation logic when word wrap is active.
- Fixed an issue where changing the background color of SyntaxEditor between "light" and "dark" colors might not update the caret to use the corresponding constrasting color.
- Fixed an issue with clipped text area rendering when zoomed out below 100%.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Updated IntelliPrompt tips to include documentation comment remarks sections for type members, if available.
- Updated IntelliPrompt completion following a VB For Each to list previously-declared variables.
Python Language Add-on
- Improved the resolver's logic for locating imported modules with aliases.
- Updated animated panels to better support control adornments.
- Added the AvatarGroup.Orientation and OverflowOrientation properties that allow for customizing the layout orientation of non-overflowed and overflowed avatars respectively.
- Updated UserPromptControl and UserPromptBuilder with support for HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties.
- Fixed UserPromptBuilder did not apply scrollbar visibility properties to the UserPromptControl.
Actipro Software Support