8 years ago |
Bookmark indicator disappear when deleting space or tab in a line to empty the line
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Horizontal scrollbar doesn't get scrolled to the caret when programmingly do a backward selection
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Inconsistent behavior: Bookmark indicator is not deleted when deleting a empty line
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Horizontal scrollbar doesn't get scrolled to the caret when programmingly do a backward selection
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Horizontal scrollbar doesn't get scrolled to the caret when programmingly do a backward selection
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Inconsistent behavior: Bookmark indicator is not deleted when deleting a empty line
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Bookmark indicator disappear when deleting space or tab in a line to empty the line
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
8 years ago |
Bookmark indicator disappear when deleting space or tab in a line to empty the line
SyntaxEditor for WPF |
9 years ago |
PasteFromClipboardAction.CanExecute return true but PasteFromClipboardAction.Execute does nothing
SyntaxEditor for WPF |