Frederik St-Onge

User Profile (#103714)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
7 years ago Register DelimiterAutoCompleter on DotNetSyntaxLanguage? SyntaxEditor for WPF
7 years ago Help with new Roslyn Extension SyntaxEditor for WPF
7 years ago Re: Text getter is being called twice when validation is on. SyntaxEditor for WPF
7 years ago Text getter is being called twice when validation is on. SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Old variables still exist in code completion suggestions SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Old variables still exist in code completion suggestions SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Old variables still exist in code completion suggestions SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Same assembly, different version, appdomain issue. SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Same assembly, different version, appdomain issue. SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Editor binding in MVVM SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Support for c# 6.0 language features SyntaxEditor .NET Languages Add-on for WPF