Erel Uziel

User Profile (#29269)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
2 years ago Re: WinUI 3 and dotNet Maui SyntaxEditor for Universal Windows
5 years ago Re: SyntaxEditor vNext - Editor View Panes The Actipro Blog
5 years ago Re: SyntaxEditor vNext - Editor View Panes The Actipro Blog
5 years ago Re: SyntaxEditor vNext - Editor View Panes The Actipro Blog
5 years ago Re: The New Actipro Software Website The Actipro Blog
6 years ago Re: Interest in SyntaxEditor Multiple Caret/Selection Features? The Actipro Blog
7 years ago Re: TryCommitPropertyValueEdit that does not change the focus Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: TryCommitPropertyValueEdit that does not change the focus Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: TryCommitPropertyValueEdit that does not change the focus Grids for WPF
7 years ago TryCommitPropertyValueEdit that does not change the focus Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: WPF, UWP, and Silverlight v2017.2 Maintenance Releases The Actipro Blog
7 years ago ExtendedStringPropertyEditor with multiline text Grids for WPF
7 years ago Reusing PropertyEditors Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: NullableColorPropertyEditor in PropertyGrid Grids for WPF
7 years ago Re: NullableColorPropertyEditor in PropertyGrid Grids for WPF
7 years ago NullableColorPropertyEditor in PropertyGrid Grids for WPF
7 years ago DataTemplate for objects Grids for WPF
7 years ago PropertyModelBase and IPropertyModel Grids for WPF
7 years ago QuickInfoSession not disappearing SyntaxEditor for WPF
7 years ago Re: Building a Better SyntaxEditor Text Rendering Engine The Actipro Blog