Marcel Konnegen

User Profile (#64168)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
13 years ago Actipro.Products.* Namespace WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
14 years ago Re: PropertyDescriptorDataAccessor Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: PropertyDescriptorDataAccessor Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: PropertyDescriptorDataAccessor Grids for WPF
14 years ago PropertyDescriptorDataAccessor Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: RibbonGallery ColumnCount Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago RibbonGallery ColumnCount Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago Re: ExpandableCollectionConverter Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: ExpandableCollectionConverter Grids for WPF
14 years ago ExpandableCollectionConverter Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: DateTimeEditBox Editors for WPF
14 years ago DateTimeEditBox Editors for WPF
14 years ago Re: MaskedTextBox.TextChanged Event Editors for WPF
14 years ago Re: MaskedTextBox.TextChanged Event Editors for WPF
14 years ago MaskedTextBox.TextChanged Event Editors for WPF