Unable to ensure visibility of code in an EditorView

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 19 years ago by Ulrich Proeller

I am opening programatically a second view in my editor by setting
editor.HorizontalSplitPosition = 200;
After that, I want to make sure, that a certain code portion is shown in my newly created view with the following code:

EditorView view = editor.Views[1];
view.EnsureVisible(350, true);
but nothing happens. The newly created view still shows the beginning of my code.
What am I doing wrong?

2. Question: How can I know, which view is which?. In the moment it seems to me that the newly created view (shown as upper view) is view[1], the lower view is view[0].

Thanks in advance


Comments (1)

Posted 19 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
1) I added this code to the sample app:
editor.HorizontalSplitPosition = 200;
EditorView view = editor.Views[1];
view.EnsureVisible(350, true);
view.Selection.SelectRange(350, 351);
When I run the sample app and execute that immediately, it splits the view, and moves the caret in the upper view (see index 1 below). I can see where the caret is via the selection statement. So it looks like it works fine.

2) When there are multiple views, the original "base" view is always the first view in the collection, which is considered the lower right view.

If there are 4 views, these are the indices:
LowerRight = 0
UpperRight = 1
LowerLeft = 2
UpperLeft = 3

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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