Posted 19 years ago by Domenico
I've found two problems with the new version 1.5.0041. Both problems involves the management of the Mdi forms.

In your sample set the properties DockManager.StandardMdiAutoWindowLayoutEnabled to False and DockManager.DocumentMdiStyle to Standard. Launch the sample and set all the ToolWindows to TabbedDocument so they appears like Mdi forms. Then:

Problem 1:
If you close a toolwindow when it's minimized, when you reopen it the "Restore" button on its caption has changed to "Minimize". In fact the form size is the same of a minimized form.

Problem 2:
Place and resize the forms around the screen using the menu commands "Window/Cascade-Tile Horizontally-Tile Vertically". Close the windows with the command "Window/Close all documents", then reopen them with the command "File/Activate all inactive toolwindows". Often, not always, one of the toolwindows is not restored correctly, but its bounds are reset to the default ToolWindow.StandardMdiBounds.

Best regards, Domenico

Comments (2)

Posted 19 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Thanks Domenico, I can dupe them both.

For #1, do you want us to retain the window state so that if it was closed while maximized, it returns to that state, even if the other windows that are open are not maximized? Or should activated windows be either minimized/restored depending on their last state if the existing windows are in minimized/restored states, or maximized if the existing windows are in maximized state?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 19 years ago by Domenico
I expect that when I reopen a window it's in the same state, position and size that it had when I closed it. The only exception is the maximized state: when a Mdi form is maximized all the existing,new or reopened forms are maximized. So I think that the correct answer is


should activated windows be either minimized/restored depending on their last state if the existing windows are in minimized/restored states, or maximized if the existing windows are in maximized state?

Anyway you can also mimic the behaviour of the Microsoft Development Environment. Personally I prefer the behaviour of the old Visual Studio.
The latest build of this product (v24.1.0) was released 7 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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