Version Issue: Upgrade to from 2.0.61

Docking/MDI for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 19 years ago by (Anonymous)
I upgrade to UIStudio version from version 2.0.61. In solution, I remove references to the 2.0.61 components and WinUICore, version 1.0.76 - the oldest version I have. I rebuild solution. Mister Compiler says, "Error 1 The type 'ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.UIContainerControl' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'ActiproSoftware.WinUICore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1eba893a2bc55de5'." and "Error 2 The type 'ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.Commands.ICommandTarget' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'ActiproSoftware.WinUICore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1eba893a2bc55de5'."

Okay, so I add a reference to ActiproSoftware.WinUICore, version, which is what I had before and all that version was working. I rebuild solution. Mister compiler now says, "Error 1 The type 'ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.UIRendererManager' exists in both 'c:\Program Files\Common Files\Actipro Software\WinUICore\v1.0.0080\ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.Net20.dll' and 'c:\Program Files\Common Files\Actipro Software\WinUICore\v1.0.0076\ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.dll'".

I have Actipro Wizard (a super product), version in this solution.

What to do?

Comment: You guys have great (!) products, but this version thing seems to happen with every upgrade.

Comments (4)

Posted 19 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi there... this is due to all our controls having references to the Shared/WinUICore libraries where common code is stored for all the controls.

So here are some things to help...

1) We try not to update the Shared/WinUICore libraries too often however sometimes it is necessary for minor enhancements or bug fixes.

2) When we do update the Shared/WinUICore libraries, we release new versions of ALL our products so that you can get the latest maintenance releases and they will all "play" nicely together.

3) The Readme file in each product, tells exactly what Shared/WinUICore version it uses at the top of the file.

4) If you use more than one product of ours, all the product versions MUST reference the same Shared/WinUICore (see Readme of each product as described above to check).

5) If you use more than one product of ours, and one product is using an older version of Shared/WinUICore than the other, you need to download an update of the product that references the older Shared/WinUICore libraries. The update will reference the newer versions of those libraries.

6) The best thing to do whenever there is a conflict like this is simply to install the latest maintenance releases of all the products you use. That will ensure that you have the latest features, bug fixes, and all the references to the Shared/WinUICore libraries will be the same.

Hope that helps explain everything. We have had several Shared/WinUICore updates in the past few months but hopefully that will slow down going forward.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 19 years ago by JohnH
So it looks like about my only choice is to ante-up(grade) to current version of Wizard. That seems kinda ..., oh well, Wizard is a real good product - saved me a whole lotta time.

Thanks for prompt reply. Great customer support!
Posted 19 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Yeah but you already own version 3.0 so it's a free upgrade. You can get it right from your account. :)

For anyone reading this, whenever we do maintenance releases, all of them are free for the major/minor version that you own, even if you don't have an annual subscription. So John, since you own Wizard 3.0.x, the maintenance release which updated to .NET 2.0 assemblies is a 3.0.x maintenance release. Therefore it's available for download for free from your Organization Purchases page. The Organization Purchases download links are always to the latest maintenance releases for the major/minor versions you own.

I cancelled your order John since you already have what you need.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 19 years ago by JohnH
Thanks much for clarification. I mistook the comment on my 'Organization Purchases' page, "Your eligibility for a free upgrade of this product expired on ...", to include a maintenance release.

My mistake; sorry.

Anyway, thanks for cancelling the order; and for anyone else reading this far - I'm happy. Good stuff.
The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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