Posted 13 years ago by Qureshi Afnan Zarif
Version: 12.1.0300


There is an issue which was facing by while utilizing script editor for runtime C# assembly generation. Intellisence used in script editior is not listing Classes, structs, interfaces, enums etc written at runtime.

Can any one help me out ??? I may missed some property etc ????

Comments (3)

Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hello, can you provide some more detail on what the problem is, possibly with a small code snippet of what you are editing in the editor and what you expect to see? It sounds like you are missing some configuration of some sort.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 13 years ago by Qureshi Afnan Zarif

Yeah I am pretty sure that there is some property or configurtation missing. Actual probelm is that intellisence is listing default classes, properties, identifers etc. But the class which I declare on script editior while in running mode is not listed in intellisence.

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1


  class MyClass


         static void Main(string[] args)


                Hello  he = new Hello(); <- Hello Class is not listed in Intellisence



  class Hello


         public void MyHello()


                 Console.WriteLine("I am in MyHello");





Would you please send me the procedure of utilizing actipro syntax editor. The sample included in purchasal is very enrich in functionality casuing difficulty for me to understand.

Answer - Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hello, please make sure you look at our documentation and in the .NET Languages Add-on's main topic, read the Key Steps for Getting Started.  You need to do all the things listed there for it to work properly.  In particular, my guess is that you didn't set a Document.FileName value.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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