>Here I assume you are referring to the IDocumentReference.ImageSourceLarge, etc. properties that get serialized by the RecentDocumentManager?
Yes exactly. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough.
>If so, those properties are the data items that are bound to the RecentDocumentMenu, and the template for RecentDocumentMenu binds them directly to Image controls in the template. There's nothing really on-demand available since it's all wired up in XAML MVVM-style.
I understand that. I was thinking about an event on the document manager, whenever an image was not present, but as I mentioned, it was merely a suggestion :)
>The only thing I can think of is for you to make your own ImageSource class (not sure offhand how easy/hard that is) and inject that into your doc reference instead of a URL based one. Then make sure it's XAML serializable since our serializer is using XamlWriter/XamlReader to serialize the data out.
Is it not natural to show the Windows-decided icon next to a filename? I would think that was what the feature was for, which is why I find it a bit unnatural if it's THAT hard to do. That is why I asked for some sort of lazy-load event. Creating an entirely new ImageSource just for this simple purpose seems like way too much work to do something that I would expect to be supported out-of-the-box. However, if you're not interested in supporting this, I will see if I can make a hack to support it myself instead. I just imagined that other customers would want to accomplish the same thing, hence my question/suggestion :)