2 weeks ago i found a memory leak inside the ribbonwindow.
In the older thread there would be a bugfix for this for the new 2012.1.560 version.
I downloaded it and tested. but the problem is still there, nothing has been solved.
This is very disappointing since this is a major problem for us!
Original bug:
in my case the user has a main wpf application and opens a second window that is a ribbonwindow. This window is opened/closed repeatedly. Each time the window is opened about 15-20MB is used, and NOT freed after close of the window.
Please solve this ASAP because this eventually crashes our application.
-To get this reproduced i openend the actipro example browser (exe).
-next choose ribbonbar
-select demos/document editor (like word)
-now open the task manager and select the actipro program and write down the memory usage
-in the actipro sample browser hit the "Run external sample"
you will notice an increasement in memory (this is of course normal)
-next close the external sample window.
you will notice that the memory is not released!
-repeatedly open/close this sample window will increase the memory