I am currently facing difficulty with implementation of DoubleEditBox control as per our requirement. Our requirement is that we want its StepValue based on its current value.
We have set its range from 0.01 to 90 and want this control should traverse in the following way:-
• When value is between 0.01 and 0.09, it should increment/decrement with .01 on keyboard up/down arrow key, mouse wheel scroll or up/down spin button press.
• When value is between 0.1 and 0.9 then step value should be 0.1,
• When value is between 1 and 9 then step values should be 1,
• When value is between 10 and 90 then its step value should be 10.
1. Is there any straightforward way provided to fulfil this requirement?
2. If we go with custom logic based on current value, then how to capture spin up and down button click event?
3. Need to show custom message to user when it reaches its Minimum or Maximum value. Any built in functionality there?
4. On Using arrow key to remove values, it shows one grey dot once all values removed. I do not want this dot. How to remove this?
I am able to achieve this functionality using my custom logic by exposing mouse wheel and Up/Down arrow key events. My main concern is when I click on Spin up/down button, I am not able to catch that event and decide whether to increment or decrement.
Please provide your inputs on above point ASAP.
Thanks in advance