I am able to register the usercontrol(view) as the toolwindow using the prism integration with docking .
As i run the application usercontrol will be display as the toolwindow in my main application and i am handling the windowdrgaging event for that docksiteof the usercontrol but not able to get the usercontrol from that toolwindow.
void dockSite_WindowDragging(object sender, RoutedEventArgse)
DockSite dockSite = (sender asDockSite);
List<ToolWindow> twlist = dockSite.ToolWindows.ToList();
foreach (ToolWindow tw intwlist)
if (tw.Name == "abc")
----------How to get the view of usercontrol from this toolwindow. like tw.GetView();
DockSite.SetControlSizeForState(tw.ParentContainer, newSize(230, 165), DockingWindowState.Docked);