Dock as the tab not working for the auto height or auto width for the docksite region in case of PrismIntegration with docking.
I am able to register the usercontrol as the toolwindow in the main application using the PrismIntegration with docking.
There are two scenarios:
1.My docksite acts as the region for the usercontrol(displayed as the toolwindow) is the one and only one docksite in the main application and my usercontrol will be displayed there as the toolwindow which consist of auto hide icon ,As i click on that icon it will docked as the tab and when i hover the mouse over that tab it shows the usercontrol content in form of popup or in form of window.
<docking:Docksite x:Name="usercontrolregion"></docking:Docksite>
It works fine.
2.My docksite acts as the region for the usercontrol(displayed as the toolwindow) is of auto size in the main application and my usercontrol will be displayed there as the toolwindow which consist of auto hide icon ,As i click on that icon it will docked as the tab and when i hover the mouse over that tab it does not shows the usercontrol content in form of popup or in form of window ,i think its bacause of AUTO SIZE of that docksite. IS IT.......?
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<docking:Docksite x:Name="usercontrolregion" Grid.Row="0"></docking:Docksite>
[Modified 12 years ago]