I have to create the main simple docking application that should consist of three docksites named(docksite1,docksite2,docksite3) respectively and my main application should consist of three columns and these docksite should be allocated to the respective columns of my main application.
So there will be three toolwindows(toolwindow1,toolwindow2,toolwindow3) respectively will be displayed to the respective docksite(docksite1,docksite2,docksite3).Each of these toolwindows should have the AutoHide button icon in the titlebar.As these toolwondows are alligned to each other.
When i click on teh AutoHide button of the toolwindow1 then toolwindow1 will be displayed as the tab and the remaining area should be utilised by the other remaining toolwindoows ie. toowindow2 and toolwindow3. and when i hover the mouse over that tab of the toolwindow1 then toolwindow1 should be displayed.
So please provide me the LAYOUT for the above requirement.