How to Hide the dockguide icon for its own docksite in which its dragging ?
For Example:
<docking:DockSite x:Name="BaseDocksite1" CanToolWindowsAttach="True" WindowClosing="BaseDocksite1_WindowClosing">
<docking:DockSite x:Name="docksite2" WindowClosing="docksite2_WindowClosing">
<docking:ToolWindow Title="window2"></docking:ToolWindow>
in code behind file
As docksite2 is linked with the basedocksite1.
so in the above sample as i drag the toolwindow from the docksite2, the dockguide icon for the linked docksite(Basedocksite1) are displaying but its also displaying the dockguide four sided icons for the dragging docksite ie. docksite2.
So how to hide the dockguide icons in the docksite in which the toolwindow is docked...?
But it should display the dockguide icons for the linked docksite ie. Basedocksite1.
Means When we dragging the toolwindow,that toolwindow should not docked in the same docksite in which it is docked or in which it is registered.
[Modified 12 years ago]