Customize the dockguide icons.

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 12 years ago by keshav bansal
Version: 12.1.0562


Quesiton1 :---How to custiomize the dockguide icons according to the user reuqirement look.

For Example :--- my dockguide four directions icons should be very pin pointed thin icons.

Question2:--- How to rearrange or the reorder the toolwindows in the docksiite without using the dockguide or docking the toolwindow in other toolwindows.

ForExample:------- My docksite named docksite1 consist of the five toolwindows alligned horizontally to the each other and CanDock property for the all four directions is false for these toolwindows and . Suppose the toolwindows named Toolwindow1,Toolwindow2,Toolwindow3,Toolwindow4,Toolwindow5 are arranged horiozntally to each other.user should be able to drag any  toolwindow  and drop in the same docksite and then toolwindows order should be changed instead of docking that toolwindow like any item drag drop from the ListBox.

That means if the user drag the Toolwindow from the docksite named docksite1 and drop the same Toolwindow1 after Toolwindow4 then the order for the toolwindows in the docsite should be like Toolwindow2,Toolwindow3,Toolwindow4,Toolwindow1,Toolwindow5 arranged  horiozntally to each other.

Question 3 - Can we also reorder or reposition the ToolWindows in docksite programmatically.

[Modified 12 years ago]

Comments (1)

Answer - Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Keshav,

1) You'll have to create new implicit styles that target the types like DockGuideCross, etc.  You can look in our default styles for samples.  Make sure you include all the elements with PART_* names.

2) There is nothing available built-in for that sort of dragging mechanism since it isn't found in typical docking windows.  But you can always call the Dock method programmatically and target another tool window to move it.

3) Yes please read the "Lifecycle and Docking Management" documentation topic for more info.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 5 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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