A major new version of Silverlight Studio is now available. This version adds several new micro chart types and numerous new features to SyntaxEditor such as an insert code snippet popup, delimiter highlighting, and move/select to matching bracket. The .NET Languages Add-on adds support for the latest C#/VB version syntax, improvements in the resolver's abillity to handle anonymous method results, and more.
Detailed Update List
Micro Charts
- Added new MicroCandlestickChart control that is designed to display price movements over time. Also added a new sample to showcase the candlestick chart type.
- Added new MicroBulletGraph control that is designed to present a single value and compare it with goals and expectations. Also added a new sample and demo to showcase the bullet graph chart type.
- Added new MicroBoxPlot control that is designed to visualize the statistical distribution of dataset. Also added a new sample and demo to showcase the box plot chart type.
- Added a new IntelliPrompt code snippet selection session, similar to the VS Insert Snippet popup.
- Updated the SDI Editor demo and Code Snippets QuickStart to demo the new code snippet selection session.
- Added a new IStructureMatcher language service that supports finding matching delimiters, and drives move/select to matching bracket functionality.
- Added a new DelimiterHighlightTagger language service that uses a structure matcher to highlight delimiters (bracket highlighting).
- Added a new Getting Started QuickStart to demonstrate delimiter highlight and move/select to matching bracket functionality.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Updated the C# and VB grammars and resolver to support new C# 5.0 and VB 11.0 syntax.
- Improved the resolver's ability to derive anonymous function result types when passed as generic method arguments.
- Added support for structure matching and delimiter highlighting.
- Updated the C# indent provider.
- Updated the VB lexer to better identify line continuations.
- Updated the token readers to prevent a possible loop scenario with documentation comments at document end.
- Updated how the resolver handles default properties.
- Fixed a bug where the resolver may not always handle array method results properly.
- Fixed a bug where parameter info didn't filter out hidden members properly.
Shared Library
- Updated PopupButton so that its popup content aligns to the left side of the control when in split mode.
About Silverlight Studio
Silverlight Studio Licensing
You can purchase our Silverlight controls individually if you wish however you have the option to purchase all of them in the Silverlight Studio bundle. Purchasing the bundle saves 30% over purchasing all the Silverlight controls individually.
Silverlight Studio Benefits
All Silverlight Studio licenses automatically include a free subscription for a year of free upgrades to any new versions that are released. At the end of the year, you may renew your license for another year to keep the free upgrade benefits active.
In addition, you are automatically eligible to receive free licenses for any new Silverlight control products added to Silverlight Studio that come out within your year period. Please note that SyntaxEditor language add-ons are sold separately, even though they are demoed in Silverlight Studio.
Wherever possible our Silverlight Studio products share codebases with the corresponding WPF Studio products, making it easy to transition code between the platforms.
Live Demo
You can give all our lastest Silverlight control products a spin right in your browser as long as you have Silverlight 4 installed. Just follow the steps on this page to see live demos:
Download an Evaluation
You can download an evaluation of all our Silverlight controls from this page:
Free Upgrades to 2012.2
If you own an older Silverlight Studio version and would like to upgrade to this latest version, please click the request a free upgrade link on your organization account page's 'Purchases and Licenses' tab. The link will appear there if your upgrade eligibility is active.
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