Hi guys,
In relation to an earlier thread of mine (http://www.actiprosoftware.com/community/thread/20388/dynamic-child-languages), I'm now wondering how I'm supposed to deal with structure matchers and dynamic child languages. For instance, I would like to define a structure matcher for JavaScript, so I register it on my JavaScriptSyntaxLanguage, but that won't work for JS code embedded in HTML files. If I register the structure matcher on the parent language (HTML) it works, but then how do I deal with child languages where I wan't to highlight different pairs? Should I do one giant StructureMatcher and then look into which language the user is currently within or...?
I would also like to do highlighting of matching HTML tags (start and end tag). In SE for WinForms, I simply hooked into the ViewBracketHighlightingUpdate event and then used my own information about the current HTML structure to find and highlight a matching tag. How would you suggest that this is done with this new implementation? And how will it work in relation to my first question?
Thanks :)