I have a dialog that is model to "Application.Current.MainWindow". The main area of my application is basically a DockSite containing ToolWindows. When I have a Modal Dialog open, clicking on any part of the main window, including anything docked in my docksite, causes the Modal Dialog to "flash", bring the user's attention to the Modal Dialog.
However, if I have floating ToolWindows, clicking on a floating ToolWindow does not yield the same "flash" behavior.
This may not seem like a big deal... but, our system is a 4 monitor command-and-control system. We try to minimize dialog usage as much as possible, but there are cases where it makes sense. From an HFE perspective, any visual hints we can provide the user helps. This "flashing" behavior is one of these visual hints.
Is there a way to make the "flash" happen for a floating toolwindow.