How to Programatically set the width of the toolwindow which exists inside the AutoHideLeftContainer.
<docking:DockSite x:Name="BaseDocksite1">
<docking:ToolWindowContainer><docking:ToolWindow x:Name="Toolwindow1" Width="150" Title="window1" CanRaft="True">
<Grid><Button Height="Auto" Content="xfdfdffffffffffffffffff" Click="Button_Click_1"></Button></Grid>
<docking:DockSite x:Name="docksite2" WindowStateChanged="docksite2_WindowStateChanged">
<docking:ToolWindowContainer x:Name="container1">
<docking:ToolWindow x:Name="Toolwindow2" Title="window2"></docking:ToolWindow></docking:ToolWindowContainer>
In my above example i have docksite2 which is linkked with the basedocksite.
As i run the above simple docking application,there is one auto hide tab and a toolwindow2 alligned to each other ,when i click on the pin,toolwindow1 of width 100 will converted from the tabbed from to docked state,Now this toolwindow consist of the button.This toolwindow exists in the AutoHideLeftContainers of the Basedocksite.
When i click on the button inside the toolwindow1,i want to programatically increase the width of the toolwindow1 from 100 to 200;
Code used s
privatevoid Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgse)
Toolwindow1.Width = 300; //Not Working
(Toolwindow1.ParentContainer).Width = 300; //Not Working
DockSite.SetControlSize(Toolwindow1,new Size(200,1200));//Not Working