we have the problem that multibyte characters are not displayed correctly.
These are japanese characters and we use the japanese encoding (Shift-JIS, Codepage 932).
It seems the characters are read correclty and this is only a visual problem.
As you can see in this picture (http://picload.org/image/arcaccg/japanese_charact.png), the characters are shifted depending on where the caret is.
The correct string would be: write("出力Windowに多くの情報を表示するため、キー1押下でDbgLevel = 1に設定");
Since the problem is worst with monotype fonts, I assume that the characters exceed the width of the font.
The font on the screenshot is Consolas but the same problem applies to Courier New too.
Unicode is enabled and I have not found any other option that could enable multi byte character support.
[Modified 12 years ago]
Best regards, Tobias Lingemann.