How to implicitly show IntelliSense without declaring "using"

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 11 years ago by Dylan
Version: 12.1.0304

Hello forum,

I am evaluating the SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms. It is an awesome IDE control really! But I don't know how to enable IntelliSense without declaring "using" in the code. For example the following code will show the IntelliPrompt MemberList of the class MessageBox when I hit period "." after MessageBox:

using System.Windows.Forms;
class Test
	void Main()

However, on the code editor, I just want to show only the simple code MessageBox.Show("Hello") and hide all using (System.Windows.Forms), class (Test) and method name (Main). It just likes Immediate Window or QuickWatch on Visual Studio, that we can show intellisense of a class or variable without full source code. How can I accomplish the same feature with SyntaxEditor.

Thank you,


Comments (2)

Answer - Posted 11 years ago by Tobias Lingemann - Software Devolpment Engineer, Vector Informatik GmbH

I would suggest you use the HeaderText and FooterText properties. Those texts are not visible, but used for semantic parsing. This allows you to display and edit only one line but still having the whole document parsed.

Best regards, Tobias Lingemann.

Posted 11 years ago by Dylan

Hi Tobias,

Thank you very much for your quick reply. It is exactly what am I looking for!



The latest build of this product (v24.1.0) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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