Our application provides editor for ANSI C language, which is currently implemented using Actipro SyntaxEditor v4.0.Right now we are supporting syntax highlighting and automatic outlining. This was implemented based on “ActiproSoftware.C.xml” lexer and “CSharpDynamicSyntaxLanguage.cs” sample.
Now we need to extend our editor with Auto-Complete/MemberList functionality. We’re very limited in time frame, so we need to choose the simplest and quickest way to do that and we need to estimate the effort required.
Right now I see the next possible ways:
1. Continue to use dynamic language described in “ActiproSoftware.C.xml” + extend “CSharpDynamicSyntaxLanguage.cs” class for member list support.
In this case I’m predicting a lot of non-trivial coding in “ShowIntelliPromptMemberList” method.
2. Utilize and extend simple add-on.
In this case I’m predicting a lot of work to do in the grammar definition xml (ActiproSoftware.Simple.Grammar.xml).
3. Utilize CSharp add-on code (we have blueprint license purchased for this).
In this case I suggest we need to modify this add-on to eliminate a lot of excessive code.
Can you, please, suggest the way and starting point for us to move forward?
Thank You!