How to correctly highlight nested brackerts?

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 12 years ago by Norbert Jurkiewicz
Version: 12.1.0290

I am defining a DyanmicSyntaxLanguage.  I've got the bracket highlightting to work except that nested brackets aren't getting highlighted correctly.  For every opening bracket the first closing bracket gets highlighted.

For example:

((test) asdf )


How can I get the parser to match these correctly?


<?xml version="1.0"?> <SyntaxLanguages>  <!-- Script Language Definition -->  <SyntaxLanguage Key="Script" LanguageDefinitionVersion="4.0" Secure="False" WordStandaloneCharacters="!&quot;'(),./:;&lt;&gt;?[\]{}←" xmlns="http://ActiproSoftware/SyntaxEditor/4.0/LanguageDefinition">   <!-- String Properties -->   <Properties />   <!-- Triggers -->   <Triggers />   <!-- Highlighting Styles -->   <Styles>    <Style Key="DefaultStyle" Name="Text" ForeColor="#000000" BorderColor="#000000" StrikeOutColor="#000000" UnderlineColor="#000000" />    <Style Key="CommentStyleKey" Name="" ForeColor="#006400" BorderColor="#006400" StrikeOutColor="#006400" UnderlineColor="#006400" />    <Style Key="CommentStyleKeyDefault" Name="" ForeColor="#006400" BorderColor="#006400" StrikeOutColor="#006400" UnderlineColor="#006400" />    <Style Key="StringStyleKey" Name="" ForeColor="#0000FF" BorderColor="#0000FF" StrikeOutColor="#0000FF" UnderlineColor="#0000FF" />    <Style Key="StringStyleKeyDefault" Name="" ForeColor="#0000FF" BorderColor="#0000FF" StrikeOutColor="#0000FF" UnderlineColor="#0000FF" />    <Style Key="BracketStyleKey" Name="" />    <Style Key="BracketStyleKeyDefault" Name="" />    <Style Key="AssignStyleKey" Name="" ForeColor="#FF0000" BorderColor="#FF0000" StrikeOutColor="#FF0000" UnderlineColor="#FF0000" />    <Style Key="AssignStyleKeyDefault" Name="" ForeColor="#FF0000" BorderColor="#FF0000" StrikeOutColor="#FF0000" UnderlineColor="#FF0000" />   </Styles>   <!-- Macros -->   <Macros />   <!-- States -->   <States>    <!-- DefaultState State -->    <State Key="DefaultState" TokenKey="DefaultToken" Style="DefaultStyle">     <!-- Child States -->     <ChildStates>      <ChildState Key="Comment" />      <ChildState Key="String" />      <ChildState Key="Bracket" />     </ChildStates>    </State>    <!-- Comment State -->    <State Key="Comment" TokenKey="CommentDefaultToken" Style="CommentStyleKeyDefault">     <!-- Scopes -->     <Scopes>      <Scope BracketHighlight="True">       <RegexPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="Comment" Style="CommentStyleKey" PatternValue="⍝" EndBracket="" />       <RegexPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="Comment" Style="CommentStyleKey" PatternValue="{LineTerminatorMacro}" StartBracket="" />      </Scope>     </Scopes>    </State>    <!-- String State -->    <State Key="String" TokenKey="StringDefaultToken" Style="StringStyleKeyDefault">     <!-- Scopes -->     <Scopes>      <Scope BracketHighlight="True">       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="String" Style="StringStyleKey" PatternValue="'" EndBracket="" />       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="String" Style="StringStyleKey" PatternValue="'" StartBracket="" />      </Scope>     </Scopes>    </State>    <!-- Bracket State -->    <State Key="Bracket" TokenKey="BracketDefaultToken" Style="BracketStyleKeyDefault">     <!-- Scopes -->     <Scopes>      <Scope BracketHighlight="True">       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="Bracket" Style="BracketStyleKey" PatternValue="(" EndBracket="" />       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="Bracket" Style="BracketStyleKey" PatternValue=")" StartBracket="" />      </Scope>     </Scopes>    </State>    <!-- Assign State -->    <State Key="Assign" TokenKey="AssignDefaultToken" Style="AssignStyleKeyDefault">     <!-- Scopes -->     <Scopes>      <Scope BracketHighlight="True">       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="Assign" Style="AssignStyleKey" PatternValue="←" EndBracket="" />       <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="Assign" Style="AssignStyleKey" PatternValue="←" StartBracket="" />      </Scope>     </Scopes>    </State>   </States>   <!-- Example Text -->   <ExampleText><![CDATA[RS ← RecordSet.New '']]></ExampleText>  </SyntaxLanguage> </SyntaxLanguages> 

[Modified 12 years ago]

Comments (1)

Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Norbert,

I can't read your language definition since it's all on one line.  But anyhow, please take a look at what we did in the ActiproSoftware.Cpp.xml example.  That supports nesting fine.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 4 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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