From the documentation:
> Gets or sets whether the session can immediately commit if a single match is made when the session is opened.
Based on this, auto commit should only be raised if there's a single match. But there's a simple reproducable scenario in which auto commit is raised although more than one completion item matches.
This is reproducable with the example of SimpleCompletionProvider (GettingStarted10).
Ensure following properties are set:
session.CanCommitWithoutPopup = true;
session.MatchOptions = CompletionMatchOptions.UseShorthand;
session.CanFilterUnmatchedItems = true;
Run SampleBrowser and select the example. Add two functions:
function Image() {}
function Max() {}
Now call auto completion with CTRL+SPACE first. With the open completion list, type "ma". There are three results. Image, Max and IncrementAndMultiply. Press escape and then raise auto completion again with CTRL+SPACE.
Although, based on the MatchOptions, we should find three matches again, the commitment is automatically raised. This will, of course, not happen if there's a second method starting in "Ma", like "function Math () {}"
Auto commit seems only to count matches that starts with the respective text and ignores other matches.
What can I do, to ensure auto commit occurs only when we have a real single match?