The tag 'CircularGauge' does not exist in XML namespace

Gauge for WPF Forum

Posted 11 years ago by Christof Reinarz
Version: 13.1.0583

Hi folks,

I created a UserControl with a Circular Gauge inside. It shows up fine in Visual Studio C# 2010 but when I try to open the file with explorer or any other application, I get the following error: The tag 'CircularGauge' does not exist in XML namespace ''. Line '10' Position '10'.

I have tried solutions to similar issues in this forum but nothing helps.

Here is the code:

    x:Name ="UC" DataContext="{Binding}">
    <Viewbox x:Name="VB" Stretch="Fill">
        <!-- CirularGauge -->        
        <gauge:CircularGauge x:Name="gauge" Width="220" Height="220" Radius="110" HorizontalAlignment="Left" RimBrush="#FF363065" FrameType="CircularThickRimEclipse" BackgroundGeometry="M 1,0 L 2,0 L 3,1 L 3,2 L 2,3 L 1,3 L 0,2 L 0,1 Z" RimGeometry="M 1,0 L 2,0 L 3,1 L 3,2 L 2,3 L 1,3 L 0,2 L 0,1 Z" BackgroundRadiusRatio="0.9" Background="#FFE9DDDD" GlassType="None" IsBackgroundEffectEnabled="True">
                <ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding ElementName=scaleSlider, Path=Value}"
									ScaleY="{Binding ElementName=scaleSlider, Path=Value}" />

                <TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" gauge:CircularGauge.Y="-30" Text="Entrópica" FontFamily="Tahoma"
									Foreground="WhiteSmoke" FontSize="15" />

                <gauge:CircularScale Radius="74" StartAngle="180" SweepAngle="180"
									Background="{shared:LinearGradientBrush DarkGray, Gray, GradientType=TopToBottom}">
                        <gauge:CircularTickSet MajorInterval="20" MinorInterval="5">
                                <gauge:CircularTickMarkMinor TickMarkAscent="3" ScalePlacement="Outside" ScaleOffset="1"
													Background="{shared:LinearGradientBrush Black, DarkGray, GradientType=TopToBottom}" />
                                <gauge:CircularTickMarkMajor ScalePlacement="Outside" ScaleOffset="1"
													Background="{shared:LinearGradientBrush Black, DarkGray, GradientType=TopToBottom}" />
                                <gauge:CircularTickLabelMajor FontFamily="Tahoma" Foreground="WhiteSmoke"
													TextOrientation="Normal" ScalePlacement="Inside" FontStyle="Normal" FontWeight="Normal" ForceCursor="False" MinorInterval="5" />
													Background="{shared:LinearGradientBrush #FFEF153F, #FFEB7A8A, GradientType=LeftToRight, AdditionalStopCount=1}"
													NeedleType="PivotSwordSharp"  PointerExtent="78" PointerAscent="10" BorderWidth="0" gauge:CircularScale.SweepAngle="180" />
            <gauge:CircularScale />


Many thanks in advance,


Comments (3)

Answer - Posted 11 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Christof,

The Actipro Gauge controls are defined inour Gauge assembly.  It must be referenced by whatever app is rendering the UI.  In VS, you can reference our Gauge assembly and it works there.  However if you open the standalone XAML file in Internet Explorer, etc. there is no reference to our Gauge assembly and thus the type won't be found.

If you want to use it in a browser, you could make a WPF XBAP project instead.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 11 years ago by Christof Reinarz

Thanks for your reply.

Actually I need to use your gauges in CopaData's Zenon SCADA System. They have a few of their own but they are very limited and I would love to use yours. The microcharts also would look really nice here. You can have a look at this software and the gagues here:

As a matter of fact, their controls work fine, but I can't get yours to work. I checked and there even is a method for importing other assemblies but I keep getting the message mentioned above.  

If you have heard of anybody using your controls with this SCADA system I would very much appreciate you let me know. Otherwise, and if it is not too much to ask, below is a link to a file that explains the process of creating wpf controls for this application in some detail. I don't have any experience with wpf so I am probably missing a few points here. In particlar, they mention some limintations I do not understand very well.

your help would greatly appreciated.



Posted 11 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Christof,

We've never used this system so you are probably better off writing the authors of it to ask how you can implement third-party custom controls in it.  Page 6 in the manual says there is some sort of Add Reference menu option.  Perhaps you need to use that to add our Shared and Gauge libraries in?  Other than that, I'm not sure what the limitations of this software application are, so it would be best to contact them.  It could be that they only support the native WPF controls in their integrations.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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