Silverlight Controls 2013.2 build 162 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 11 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A new Silverlight controls maintenance release is now available.

Detailed Update List


  • Added the LabelPositioningMode property to the XY series objects, which allows for the label positioning algorithm to be altered.
  • Fixed a bug with the vertical positioning of a series when all the data was zero.
  • Removed the XYSeriesBase.LegendItemTemplate property since it wasn't used. Use LegendMarkerStyle and LegendStringFormat to customize legend items.

Micro Charts

  • Updated the logic for calculating the date/time axis slot count.


  • Added the ability to edit multiple lines of text at the same time when block selection is active.
  • Added incremental search features, and updated the SDI Editor demo to show related statusbar updates.
  • Added the IEditorView.HighlightedResultSearchOptions property, which allows for matching results from a search pane to be highlighted live.
  • Added the SyntaxEditor.IsIncrementalSearchResultHighlightingEnabled property, which determines if incremental search automatically highlights all matches in the view.
  • Added a new QuickStart for search result highlighting.
  • Added the FindMatchHighlight display item classification type.
  • Added the ISearchOptions.MaximumResultCount property, which can be used to limit the results from a find all operation.
  • Improved the performance of find all operations in basic scenarios.
  • Added the ability for highlighting styles used with classification taggers to alpha blend semi-transparent foreground/background colors.
  • Updated the XML and XAML languages to allow the '>' character in attribute values.
  • Improved the rendering of block selections.
  • Improved the selection adjusting logic when RetainSelection is used with a replace.
  • Fixed a bug with DelimiterAutoCompleter where it could affect the wrong snapshot in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown with auto-character casing and certain text change types.
  • Fixed a bug where MacroAction.ReadFromXml wouldn't restore properly.
  • Fixed a bug where quick info sessions created by mouse hovers would scroll to the caret.
  • Fixed a bug where code snippet selection sessions could throw an exception when auto-completing a shortcut in a certain scenario.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Added a 'deprecated' note on types and members that have an Obsolete attribute applied.
  • Improved the resolver to better handle VB variable declarations that don't indicate a type.
  • Fixed a bug where the VB token reader could throw an exception in a certain editing scenario.

Actipro Software Support