Random missing files compile errors while rebuilding the app

SyntaxEditor for Universal Windows Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Chai Weera
Version: 13.2.0131

I'm using SyntaxEditor v0131 in my WinRT/XAML app and keep getting the following errors on subsequent rebuild of the project.

These are files that seem irrelevant to the SyntaxEditor control I'm using. I'm not using any other control in my project at the moment. The control rocks and I'm loving everything I'm seeing so far in my evaluation copy and do plan to make a purchase once I'm done enough surveying of the feature set. But these errors are blocking my progress and is just plain annoying. Any help resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Error 1 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\BoxPlot.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 2 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\BulletGraph.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 3 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\Candlestick.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 4 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\Charts.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 5 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\Charts.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 6 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\ChartsLogo.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 7 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Common.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 8 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Common.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 9 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Shared.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Common.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 10 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.SyntaxEditor.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Common.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 11 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Assets\Dark.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 12 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Assets\Dark.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 13 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.SyntaxEditor.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Assets\Dark.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 14 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Includes\Styles\DataPointLabel.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 15 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.Charts.WinRT\Themes\Generic.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2
Error 16 Could not copy the file "obj\x86\Debug\.\AS.MicroCharts.WinRT\Themes\Generic.xbf" because it was not found. Bughouse2

Comments (8)

Posted 10 years ago by Chai Weera

I want to clarify that this happens randomly (and frequently). And usually a solution rebuild fixes it. But that workaround is suboptimal and wasting a lot of time.

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Chai,

We are very happy to hear you like SyntaxEditor!

So these are blocking errors that you are experiencing?  Can you give us exact steps on how to reproduce them?  We will be happy to help track down and solve the problem to get you working properly, but need to be able to see what you see.  

If you need to repro this in a new simple sample project, please make one and email it to our support address.  Reference this post, include the repro steps, and rename the .zip file extension of what you send so it doesn't get spam blocked.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Actipro Software Support

Posted 10 years ago by Chai Weera

I've just sent you the repro zip file in a reply back to the Actipro Software Forum alias. Let me know if you can repro the problem on your side.

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Chai,

Thank you for the sample and detailed repro steps.  I was able to reproduce the problem with it via the steps you sent.

I did some searching on this and while I didn't find anything from Microsoft's forums on this, I did see a similar situation posted on a competitor's web site (who also offers a Windows 8 controls extension SDK) but they didn't find a solution.

Unfortunately what we are seeing here seems to be a bug with Visual Studio rather than something that we are able to control ourselves.  As you change the setting you mention in VS, it seems like something there that was cached gets removed but VS doesn't realize that it needs to refresh it.  And as you said in your email, doing a Rebuild Solution updates the missing cached data and gets things working again properly.

I would suggest that we contact Microsoft on this and report it to the VS team.  I will coordinate this with you via the related support ticket.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 10 years ago by Chai Weera

If that is the case, then there should definitely be a bug opened to VS team. Or if it is a known issue then maybe they can issue a workaround as it seems so easy to hit it. I can even repro it in your sample browser app that is just a straight XAML app without any dependency on other WinRT runtime component like the repro app I sent out earlier. I would strongly recommend that you contact Microsoft on behalf of your user as it seems like an important problem to get fixed. If your customer is going to run into it when they're using your product, then it seems justified for you to ask Microsoft to treat this issue with high priority as your product essentially help push adoption of their new platform. I'm looking forward to the resolution of this issue.

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Chai,

We would like to report this issue to Microsoft's Connect site but we need the easiest steps possible to make it happen.  You mentioned that you could make it happen in our Sample Browser app.  I tried doing the trick you sent in email where you change the debugger type around and run it, but that didn't make it happen.  How exactly did you repro it in our Sample Browser project?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 10 years ago by Chai Weera

For the sample is a bit nondeterministic. I,got it sometimes by just keep rerunning the app hitting F5.

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

We have posted a Connect bug report to Microsoft here.  Please go there an vote up the issue.  Thanks!

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v22.1 build 0365) was released 8 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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