Our application has a Toolbox window (an Actipro ToolWindow) which has different content depending on the Document being viewed.
I have all these Document windows open as Tabs and I float a Document window. I then try and click on its associated Toolbox and the DockSite changes the ActiveWindow from my floated view to the latest Docked Document instead. This means my Toolbox content is changing unnecesarily.
We also have other Toolbox windows that implement the IActiveAware interface that are related back to the current Focus/Active document and these are also losing their correct content when I click in them based on having a Floated view.
Why is the Docked Document window gaining Activation and Focus when I am only cliking in the Toolbox area after floating a document?
Can this behvaiour be suppressed or is this currently being changed in Actipro?
And if this is not going to be change in the next version can you suggest a workaround please?