Hi all,
Our customer is complaining a behaviour of the DateTimeEditBox which is placed in ribbon popup window.
We put the DateTimeEditBox in a user control and the user control is assigned to the PopupContent property of a Ribbon Popup Button in its PopupOpening event:
- Clicking the ribbon popup button, a popup window is displayed which holds the user control that contains the DateTimeEditBox.
- Clicking the drop down button of the DateTimeEditBox to display the month calendar and select a date. The issue is: clicking on any date in a different month (the colour of those dates is gray.) causes the popup window closed. The user expects the popup window keeps opening in this situation.
It looks like this behaviour has something to do with the internal logic of the popup window launched by ribbon popup button. When clicking different month date the calendar changes to another month which causes the popup window closed.
We are happy to know any workaround for this issue, for example any way to not allow user clicking the date in different month or clicking different month date does not change the calendar to that month.
Any hep appreciated.