Is there a way to set the caret position to the end of the current value in an Int32EditBox(or other similar edit boxes) when it's loaded?
I have the Int32EditBox as the CellEditingTemplate of a ThemedDataGrid. When I enter edit mode, the Int32EditBox is loaded and on load I call editBox.Focus(true) to force the actual editing part to have focus. If there is no current value this works fine and it's ready for user input. If the edit box already has a value though, the text of the value is highlighted and if any input is given, it overwrites the value. I want the caret to start at the end of the current value rather than with the current entry highlighted.
Pretty much the same question for all the other edit box flavors too. The number edit boxes seem to highlight the current value, while the text boxes place the caret at the beginning of the value. At least the text boxes have the CaretIndex property so I can set those.
[Modified 11 years ago]