Hello actipro team :)
We are using your AstNodes to analyse the structure of XAML-Documents and use the offsets of these AstNodes to replace and cut text in this document.
We recently upated from version 12.1 to 13.2 and discovered that the return values of the StartOffset and EndOffset-Properties change depending on your product version.
I created a little sample with a SyntaxEditor and an XmlSyntaxLanguage:
<editor:SyntaxEditor x:Name="xmlEditor" >
<editor:EditorDocument x:Name="editorDocument">
<editor:XmlSyntaxLanguage />
The EditorDocument is filled with a simple WPF UserControl.
Now I access the ParseData of the EditorDocument and get a specific node:
XmlParseData parseData = this.editorDocument.ParseData as XmlParseData;
IAstNode node = parseData.Ast.Children[0].Children[2].Children[0].Children[2];
If we now look at the .toString() output from this AstNode we can see the differences:
//Version 12.1.560 output:
//Nodes[1 child] (478-586)
//Version 12.2.573 output:
//Nodes[1 child] (478-586)
//Version 13.2.591 output:
//Nodes[1 child] (479-591)
//Version 14.1.601 output:
//Nodes[1 child] (479-591)
Can you please tell us if this is a bug? Or is it the result of a bug you fixed in the past?
Thanks in advance.