Localisation issue with DoubleEditBox

Editors for WPF Forum

Posted 11 years ago by Rithesh
Version: 14.1.0602


 I am using DoubleEditBox inside actipro PropertyGrid. I set my systems Region and Language -> Format to French. And I run my application in en-US culture, but the DoubleEditBox displays the decimal separator as "," instead of ".".

  I tried to set the Language property of the DoubleEditBox and the PropertyGrid to use the CurrentUICulture value. But DoubleEditBox always takes the value for format from the system instead of Applications CurrentUICulture.

Is there a way I can avoid this and program the propertyGrid and DoubleEditBox to use the CurrentUICulture instead of system format information.



Comments (3)

Posted 11 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Rithesh,

When writing apps, per Microsoft guidelines, CurrentCulture is used for things like date/number formatting and not CurrentUICulture.  CurrentUICulture is only supposed to be used in .NET for determining which string resource dictionary to pull.

Our products use CurrentCulture property for determining which date/number formats to use in the editors.  If the CurrentCulture is set to French then the decimal separator should show up differently.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 11 years ago by Rithesh


    Well is there a way where the editors can be programmed to use a different culture than the CurrentCulture. Since my software is running in en-US culture I expect even the date and number format to be in en-US format rather than French.Thanks and regards,

Posted 11 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Rithesh,

Not really since they use value converters and those always pass the thread's CurrentCulture value.  You can programmatically set a thread's CurrentCulture like this though:


Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 30 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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