Absolutely love this app and would like to make a few suggestions to make it even better.
Multiple selections: in Sublime Text and other modern editors, you can Control-Click to add another selection, so that any changes you make happen in multiple parts of the document. As far as I'm aware, a handicapped version of this already exists in Code Writer called "block" selection, but it isn't very useful because it seems to only work on texts that are orthogonally adjacent. This feature is a definite must-have.
Configurable auto-matching: when editing Javascript files, Code Writer will auto-match parantheses, curly braces, and brackets, but not double or single quotes, which is pretty annoying, if only because of the inconsistency. It would be nice if we could specify which ones we want auto-matched.
JSHint: I do a lot of Javascript editing and while there is error highlighting already, it's far from ideal. I would like to be able to configure a JSHint/linting for Javascript files to make my editing experience much more pleasant.
Other extra stuff: Go language support would be nice. It would also be nice if we could somehow add custom language definitions (like for homemade scripting languages). Multiple windows would be nice as well (though I accept it might be better to wait and see what Microsoft does with windowed Modern apps in Windows 9/Threshold).
Have you guys considered charging for more premium features (like the extra stuff mentioned above)? I know this is about Syntax Highlighter control showcasing and all, but I could see Code Writer being pretty lucrative if more customization features are added at reasonable pricing.
Thanks for your time.