DescriptionTip and ParameterInfo could support a ScrollViewer and MaxHeight

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Timo Emondts

DescriptionTip and ParameterInfo provide only a maximum width



But there's no MaxHeight property; and if the help text is quite long, the popup window would take a lot of room.


I already 'fixed' that for the ParameterInfo. I added an own control, which provides a scroll viewer, and put HtmlContentProvider.GetContent into the ContentPresenter.

I would try this for DescriptionTip, too, but I'm afraid this would not work.


I wonder if you guys couldn't add support for a MaxHeight property and a ScrollViewer; and actually for both DescriptionTip and ParameterInfo.




Comments (2)

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


Description tips use the quick info mechanism and in normal scenarios, quick info tips aren't clickable.  That would make adding a ScrollViewer somewhat useless to them.  The core idea behind the IntelliPrompt mechanisms is to provide some quick details that the user can glance at, and not provide extensive detail.  You could always embed a link for more information and then in response to the link click, show a separate window for cases where more detail is needed.  I would generally recommend that sort of design.

If you do wish to keep a max height, you can simply put a MaxHeight on the ScrollViewer you are injecting in.  That should do the trick.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 10 years ago by Timo Emondts

The text shown in both parameter info and description tips is not necessarily provided by us. Users can add descriptions to their own functions and nobody prevents them from typing a long text.

For the parameter info we already do the trick and I just thought that this feature would be quite nice.


The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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