I enjoy the python add-on.
I am confronted with the following completion problem.
Add to search path,
editor know the import module name, but it doesn't know module's filed, method.
Run the sample, completion is working well, but my code - very simple - is not working..
Of course, required reference is added, this code compile is success.
// G:\sample\Tool.py
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
codeEditor.Document.Language = new PythonSyntaxLanguage(PythonVersion.Version2);
var project = codeEditor.Document.Language.GetProject();
in syntaxeditor..
import Too # => completion is working. Module name is filled automatically.
Tool. # => completion is not working. No popup. Syntax error("identifiter expected") occured.
# In that case, it doesn't call "OnSessionOpening()"
# (Inherit completionprovider, override OnSessionOpening method to check)
# but sample is working well..
[Modified 10 years ago]