IntelliPrompt using ICompletionProvider for upto 30000 items

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Vinay Chougule
Version: 14.2.0611


I'm using Syntax editor like a textbox (ExpressionEditor) where the user can type a VB expression like 

"var1 = var2 and var3 = var4 and var4 > 20"

The class is declared as follows:

public class ExpressionEditor : ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor.SyntaxEditor, ICompletionProvider

When the SyntaxEditor DocumentTextChanged event is fired,

the RequestSession is invoked

this.Document.Language.GetService<ICompletionProvider>().RequestSession(this.ActiveView, false);

Everything works fine for a few thousand items.

For 30k  items the Intelliprompt takes a long time to open.

I debugged the code and found that in RequestSession method


takes a long time.

How do I fix this? Can I virtualise the intellipromt so that it loads only the visible items?

Kind Regards,


Comments (5)

Answer - Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Vinay,

There's nothing you can do on your end for this however we have just made some optimizations in the code area that is causing the slowdown.  We have it opening almost 10x faster in a very large list of 30k items now compared to the 2014.2 version's code.  This update will be in the 2015.1 version, due out in the next several weeks.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 10 years ago by Vinay Chougule


Thank you.

Can you please give me the expected release date of 2015.1 version.

Kind Regards,


Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hello, it is sometime in the next several weeks.  We don't have a fixed date but you can watch our blog or Announcements forum to see when it's released.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 9 years ago by Vinay Chougule



Is the fix available in 2015.1 ?


Kind regards,


Posted 9 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Yes, the update is included in the 2015.1 version that is out.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 2 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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