I was looking at the monolithic example that downloaded with the sdk. I was wondering if there was a more focused example using the .net add-on. I'd rather not have to dissect the whole example provided in the sdk.
I was looking at the monolithic example that downloaded with the sdk. I was wondering if there was a more focused example using the .net add-on. I'd rather not have to dissect the whole example provided in the sdk.
Hi Eric,
All of our samples are in the Sample Browser project. That being said, they are generally very comparmentalized so that all the related files for a particular sample are together. In your case, you'd want to look at these samples:
Those are very nice Getting Started QuickStarts for the add-on (C# version). There are related VB language versions too in case you wish to use those instead. All the code in each can be copied out into your own project. The only thing missing from the files in those folders would be the app startup/shutdown code that is described in the Getting Started topic of the documentation for the add-on. Be sure you do those things too, so that a worker thread is doing the parsing of text instead of your main UI thread.
Between those examples and the help file I was able to get things going. Thanks.
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