Hi, I'm trying to implement the (additional) font-scaling functionality for my .NET 2.0 app as described here.
Basically in the UserPreferenceChangesEventHandler the SystemFonts.IconTitleFont is assigned to the main form, then to WizardPageDescriptionFont and WizardPageCaptionFont (with additional bold style) properties.
Now I want to adjust the WizardInteriorPageHeaderHeight value, so that the page description is still fully visible. Could you give some hints of how the height is calculated from other properties (like caption offsets, margings etc.)?
Thanks, Joerg
Basically in the UserPreferenceChangesEventHandler the SystemFonts.IconTitleFont is assigned to the main form, then to WizardPageDescriptionFont and WizardPageCaptionFont (with additional bold style) properties.
Now I want to adjust the WizardInteriorPageHeaderHeight value, so that the page description is still fully visible. Could you give some hints of how the height is calculated from other properties (like caption offsets, margings etc.)?
Thanks, Joerg