So we very much like the Actipro Styles that apply to native controls like a TreeView but the out-of-the-box style for a TreeView (and the Actipro style for a TreeView) does not support a full-row selection like the TreeView used in Visual Studio Solution Explorer. I understand how to create a TreeView style that supports a full-row selection but I am not sure how to base it on the Actipro Style for a TreeView. I am familar with the BasedOn attribute for a Style (which is also mentioned in this post The issue is that to support a full-row selection in a TreeView you have to modify the Template of the TreeViewItem.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Static themes:SharedResourceKeys.TreeViewItemStyleKey}}">
<Setter Property"Template">
Even if I base my style on the Actipro style for a TreeViewItem I am replacing your Template with mine and then I do not get all of the nice mouse over (hover) effects that I really like. I believe that the answer would be to first start with the Actipro Style for a TreeViewItem and then modify its Template to support a full-row selection. Right?