I have looked at the Custom Factory samples but I can not figure out how to create custom property hierarchies that are expandable. I can not see how to correctly implement the parent/child relationship.
I have looked at the Custom Factory samples but I can not figure out how to create custom property hierarchies that are expandable. I can not see how to correctly implement the parent/child relationship.
Hi Magnus,
Property expandability normally depends on the TypeConverter associated with a property value returning that the value has properties, via its GetPropertiesSupported method returning true, and its GetProperties method returning additional properties.
But if you are using a custom factory, it's easy to add child properties. The factory's GetProperties method is called when each property is being readied for display. You can simply return a list of child data accessors for it. You can see in our QuickStart how we make a list of custom child data accessors for any property of type CustomerViewModel. The same sort of thing could apply to any other type.
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