Snoop shows no placeholder on TitleBarPanel left to the title-TextBlock so I assume there currently is no option "hidden" somewhere to enable this out of the box.
Can I change the topic title? ToolBar > ToolWindow
[Modified 8 years ago]
Snoop shows no placeholder on TitleBarPanel left to the title-TextBlock so I assume there currently is no option "hidden" somewhere to enable this out of the box.
Can I change the topic title? ToolBar > ToolWindow
[Modified 8 years ago]
Hi Markus,
No but in the next build, we're adding an option where you can align the tool window title bar contextual content to the left. Please see this thread for details:
With that feature, you could put an icon in the contextual content.
[Modified 8 years ago]
Hmm.. I would then need contextual content both to the left and to the right, since I already used the new possibility to add a context-help button to the regular buttons. I wonder if a system similar to PartEditBox would make sense, allowing to place addition content between the existing button order.
And of course the circle to "How do I bind from XXXContextContentTemplate to related DockingWindow" would raise again problems, since I would not be able to access the BitmapSource already assigned to the DockingWindow.
Hi Markus,
Are you just wanting to show the selected tool window's icon (ToolWindow.ImageSource) on the title bar? If so, perhaps we just build in an option to show that, which defaults to false. Would anything need to happen when you clicked it or is it display only?
Yes, exactly: The icon should just be shown without any further interaction, the same way as on all other places where the icon is placed to the left of the title or tabtext string (auto hide tab items, etc.).
The default layout of the app does not nest or auto hide any toolwindows so currently the icon is not visible anywhere.
Hi Markus,
We'll add an option to display the icon of the selected tool window in its container's title bar for the next build.
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