New Maintenance Releases of All WinForms/ASP.NET Products

Announcements Forum

Posted 17 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Due to some big Shared/WinUICore library updates, we have published new builds of all our WinForms and ASP.NET products. SyntaxEditor and UIStudio both have some major updates as well.


Major updates include a lot of new XML add-on features and documentation. The XML add-on is now in pre-release status.

SyntaxEditor Control
  • Updated drag/drop code so that when the mouse is dragging text and is near the edge of the text area, it will scroll.
  • Updated drag/drop code so that when text is dropped, it remains selected.
  • Added the SelectInsertedText value to the DocumentModificationOptions enumeration.
  • Changed the SyntaxEditorHitTestResult.DocumentLine property so that it returns null if the hit test is after the last non-virtual display line.
  • Added the FindDescendant method to the IAstNode interface and AstNodeBase class.
  • Added the IntelliPromptSmartTag.IsPopupDisplayed property and updated the smart tag logic for auto-hide, and hiding the drop-down arrow accordingly.
  • Changed the tabify/untabify lines and convert tabs to spaces and spaces to tabs commands so that they reselect the affected lines after performing their conversion.
  • BREAK: Changed TokenBase.ParseDataEquals to be abstract instead of virtual. This will force custom token classes to provide an appropriate implementation of the method.
  • Fixed a bug where typing at the end of the line in word wrap mode could sometimes inappropriately scroll the text horizontally.
  • Fixed a bug where calling code in a DocumentModifiedChanged event handler that performs a layout of the SyntaxEditor control could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where the line modification mark ranges could become corrupt in a certain scenario.
  • Changed the install location of the assemblies in the Program Files folders to be under a platform (WindowsForms) folder.
  • Updated the Shared/WinUICore libraries.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Fixed a bug where typing a . within a verbatim string literal would display a member list.
  • Fixed a bug in the C# language with type parameter constraints.
  • Fixed a bug where moving the caret to a delegate declaration could raise an exception in the TypeMemberDropDownList control.
  • Fixed a bug where reflection data for nested type arrays was stored incorrectly.
Web Languages Add-on
  • Made a number of enhancements when determining context for IntelliPrompt operations, thus really speeding up typing when working in larger XML files.
  • Added format document functionality to the XML language via the XmlSyntaxLanguage.FormatDocument method.
  • Updated the XML Reflection QuickStart to demo the new format document functionality.
  • Added namespace prefixes to the element member lists when appropriate.
  • Improved XML validation procedures.
  • Updated the XML Reflection QuickStart to not show the document outline if the document is larger than a certain size.
  • Added documentation topics for the XML add-on.


Major updates include Office 2007 themes for all controls and the ability apply a tint color to any theme, thereby allowing completely custom color schemes with one line of code.

Dock Controls / TabStrip
  • Added the DockManager.UnknownToolWindowStatePreservationInfoExistsFor method that returns whether unknown tool window layout information is available for a tool window with the specified key.
  • Changed auto-hidden tool windows so that when a drag operation occurs over a tab, it does not slide open if the DockManager.AutoHideShowOnMouseHover is set to false.
  • Fixed a bug where cached layout information for unknown tool windows could be loaded inaccurately in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug in the TabStrip control where sometimes the selected tab wouldn't remain visible when the control was resized.
Bar Controls
  • Updated the Bar sample form to demonstrate the new Office 2007 themes.
  • Changed the BarManager.RaiseCommand method so that when used on custom controls, it will fire the click event instead of setting focus to the control.
  • Changed where ComboBoxLink and TextBoxLink child controls are arranged, by adding ArrangeComboBoxChildControl and ArrangeTextBoxChildControl methods to the IBarRenderer interface.
  • Fixed a bug where merging a menu that contained an expander could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where dockable toolbar command links that didn't fit on the toolbar weren't showing up properly in the overflow popup.
  • Fixed a bug where two hidden command links serialized to a differential bar layout would only hide one of the links when the layout was reloaded.
  • Fixed a bug where a programmatically set CombBoxCommand/TextBoxCommand value would not initially display in the command links in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where when displaying an overflow menu in a certain scenario, an exception could occur.
  • Fixed a bug in a comparer in the DockableToolBarRow class that could throw an exception in a scenario where a minimized window was restored.
NavigationBar Control
  • Added the Office2007NavigationBarRenderer class that adds Office 2007-like rendering for the NavigationBar class.
  • Updated the NavigationBar sample form to demonstrate the new Office 2007 themes.
  • Added built-in Office 2007 themes for all UIStudio controls.
  • Added support for the creation of custom color schemes that are tinted to a specified color, enabling an entire custom theme to be generated with one line of code.
  • Updated the Entensible Rendering topics to cover the new theme features.
  • Changed the install location of the assemblies in the Program Files folders to be under a platform (WindowsForms) folder.
  • Updated the WinUICore/Shared libraries.


  • Changed the install location of the assemblies in the Program Files folders to be under a platform (WindowsForms) folder.
  • Updated the WinUICore/Shared libraries.


  • Added the PowerShell language.
  • Updated the Shared library.

Actipro Software Support