Test Automation for margins

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 8 years ago by Xinen Lee
Version: 16.1.0632

Hi Actipro,

The Line Numbers and Track Change (the green and yellow bars) margins are not exposed for UI Automation. Can you please expose them?

Comments (4)

Posted 8 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Xinen,

We will mark down the request.  What specifically are you intending to use them for if they were exposed to UIA?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 8 years ago by Xinen Lee

Minimally we would need to know if the whole margin is displayed or not.

For line numbers, it would be helpful if we could see what were the displayed line numbers, font + color.

For track change, it would be good to know what track change color was displayed for each line.

Posted 8 years ago by Xinen Lee

Hi Actipro,

We do still need the Line Numbers and Track Change margins' test automation support.


We are now moving onto outlining and will also need Test Automation support for it. Some of the things we will need to do:

  • verify outlining margin is displayed
  • click on each + or - button
  • know each button state (+ or -)
  • verify the outlining section is highlighted upon hover over - button
  • verify the collapsed content's existence and text
  • hover over collapsed content
  • verify the collapsed content tooltip.

I believe Visual Studio has a comprehensive implementation of its outlining which you can refer to. Do you think you could expose this please?

Posted 8 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Xinen,

Thank you for the feature suggestions, we have marked down the requests.  We have tried thus far to accommodate the UIA feature requests since they would appeal to other customers who also might need to access document text, quick info, etc. via UIA.

With limited development resources and time, we have to prioritize requests to work on products/features that will have the most impact on the largest number of customers.  For instance, right now we are working on new tree controls that have been requested by many customers in the past.  This is the only request we've ever gotten for UIA related to margins/outlining, so it unfortunately is lower on the priority list, especially since implementing these things aren't quick.  This is a scenario where we would normally mention that we can sometimes offer consulting services where you contract us to add a feature that is important to you but isn't high on our priority list at the time.  I looked up your company's account and there might actually be some leftover consulting time from previous work we did for them that we could apply here.  If you'd like to discuss this option more, please write our support address and we'll talk offline.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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